Young Inventors


The Young Inventors 1

Students make projects with their hands and tinker with materials and electronics to build amazing creations. From catapults to board games to bubble guns, kids become toy designers and engineers to make STEM-powered inventions! Each invention comes with science experiments that explore some fundamental physics concepts. Students will take a project home every 2 weeks.

  • Grades


  • days

    MON. 2:45-3:35 pm
    WED. 2:45-3:35 pm
    FRI. 2:45-3:35 pm

  • cost

    $15,200 per semester / class

The Young Inventors 2

Students make complex inventions that dive deeper into the structure, mechanical, and electronic engineering concepts. Whether
students are new to the program or completed Young Inventors 1, everyone builds projects involving circuit design that include
motors and sensors. This program is one of the most fun ways to explore the Next Generation Science Standards and build Engineering Habits of Mind such as problem-solving, visualization, and improving, etc. Students will take a project home every 3 weeks.

  • Grades


  • days

    TUE. 2:45-3:35 pm
    FRI. 3:45-4:40 pm

  • cost

    $15,200 per semester / class

Young Inventors 3

Students will combine all of their understanding of mechanical and structural engineering concepts with more advanced electrical engineering concepts as we include microcontrollers (mini computers called MicroBits with circuit boards). Combining these microcontrollers with sensors allows us to build interactive and automated inventions as they react to the environment. In addition, students will design components for their inventions using Computer-Aided Design and 3D printing. Students will take home a project every 4 weeks.

  • Grades


  • Days

    THU. 2:45-3:35 pm

  • Cost

    $15,200 per semester / class